Does Acupuncture hurt?

Not usually, although some spots can be more sensitive than others. Practitioners at THE TONIC have a gentle acupuncture style, and use high-grade superfine needles - some patients don't even feel them going in. It's totally normal to be nervous about pins, let us know and we'll take it extra slow. Practitioners at THE TONIC have spent hundreds of hours perfecting their technique, so rest assured that you're in great hands.

How does the clinic handle infection control, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic?

All practitioners at THE TONIC are trained in infection control at a university level, we've always worked super clean. This means that linens and treatment tools are single use or sanitised between patients, that practitioners wash their hands multiple times during treatments, and wear PPE (masks and gloves) where appropriate.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, we have stepped up our ventilation and droplet containment strategies, including: UV-light air filters in the treatment rooms, Viraclean on surfaces (the disinfectant developed by the World Health Organisation effective against COVID-19), on-site laundry, and reduced patient cross over.

We far surpass all state and federal legislation regarding cleanliness, patient density within the clinic, health screening, and PPE. Call us if you'd like a copy of our infection control guidelines.

I’ve heard Chinese Medicine uses endangered species in their herbs?

Tragically, poaching endangered animals for the black market is a very real problem. Practitioners in Australia are governed under the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), and do not engage in such practices. THE TONIC practitioners use high quality herbs which are predominantly plant based roots, twigs and leaves. We do use some animal products and by-products, such as mineral herbs (from shells) and some forms of gelatine - so please ask us if you have any questions or concerns. Vegan preferences can easily be accommodated.

I'm LGBTQIA+ / neurodivergent / religious / have special needs / a disability. Do you care for people like me?

Yes, we love caring for everyone. Please reach out if you would like to discuss your needs or concerns before attending the clinic.

Do I need to take my clothes off?

Depending on what you are wearing plus the area being treated we may ask you to remove some clothing. Loose clothes are usually easier for us to manoeuvre and work around. The most important thing is for you to feel comfortable in session so if you're not up for it (for religious reasons or otherwise) let us know and we will find another way.